Lembit appears to have gone a bit crazy...

... but I'm still voting for him. I've just spotted the rather biased LDV post which appears to have torn up the agreement to be neutral in the election, that says:

Quite why Lembit should feel it’s appropriate to rake over the ashes of the Kennedy and Campbell resignations in a way that paints the party in quite such an unattractive (and, in my view, misleading) light is beyond me. To do so in a campaign for a post which is, above all, about uniting the party and moving it forwards smacks of appallingly poor judgement.

Seriously, if you disagree with Opik's point, then why on earth have you decided to react in a knee jerk manner? Wouldn't it have been better to remain neutral or perhaps damning on a less venomous scale? That said, I've also been struggling to find the press release that mentions a conspiracy against him - his website makes no mention in it's version of his press release.

I don't know. I'm just glad that the only likely offshoot of this will be that the Lib Dems will get a slight mocking in the Daily Mail tomorrow, probably using that very quote as proof...

- Huw


Stephen Tall said...

Huw - I thought hard before posting the article on LDV, as I have no axe to grind in the party presidential election.

But neutrality doesn't mean taking a monastic vow of silence. I would have highlighted it if *any* of the candidates had issued a press release attacking the party for whispering campaigns against previous leaders.

cheers, stephen
(Editor, www.libdemvoice.org)

Huw Dawson said...

Fair enough. I wasn't commenting on any form of axe grinding - I was just under the impression that it would have been somewhat fairer to all candidates if less emotive language was used...